Welcome to the
IAO Benevolent Fund
The IAO Benevolent Fund assists organists in financial need by means of financial grants.
The IAO Benevolent Fund
The IAO Benevolent Fund was founded in 1930 by four individuals, including Sir Hamilton Harty, then conductor of the Hallé Orchestra, and is a registered charity, No. 216533. Since then, it has built up an investment fund, the income from which, together with generous donations from many individuals and local organists’ associations, enables the Fund to make grants both on a continuing basis and occasionally for emergency assistance.
Purpose of the Fund
The Fund was established to assist organists, whether active or retired, or their partners, widows or widowers, children or dependants, who are in financial need, by means of financial grants.
Assistance from the Fund
Assistance may be provided by single or regular payments of an amount to be determined by the trustees. At their discretion, grants may also be made towards the cost of organ tuition and/or examination fees for dependants who, at the time of the award have not passed their twenty-fifth birthday.
Eligibility for assistance
To be eligible for a grant, an applicant must have been a member of an organists’ association affiliated to the IAO for at least two years.
Applications for assistance
Those wishing to make an application for assistance should, in the first instance, contact the Secretary by telephone: 01225 421154 or by email: at apply@iaobf.org.uk who will be pleased to discuss a potential application. Alternatively, please complete the relevant form and send it to the Secretary by email or at the postal address on the form.
Application form for Organ Tuition
Do you know an organist in need of assistance?
If you, or someone you know, is in need of help from the Fund and is eligible, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary of the Benevolent Fund who will be pleased to discuss the possibility of a grant. All enquiries will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
Donating to the Fund
The Fund depends substantially on voluntary contributions, some from local associations and some from individual members and the Fund will be very grateful for all donations. You may also wish to remember the fund in your will.
Donate Online Here:
Please also consider making a Gift-AId declaration to add 25p to every £1 you have donated.
Why not subscribe to Organists’ Review?
Widely acknowledged as the leading magazine in its field, please consider subscribing to the IAO’s quarterly Organists’ Review.